Posts Tagged ‘Public Speaking Fear’
by Martin Rooney | Presenting
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Every year, I travel over 100,000 miles to visit a number of foreign countries in order to present my philosophy with the hopes of inspiring and changing lives for the better. Although these trips require a lot of courage, hard work and money, the risk has usually been worth the reward. I am proud to have presented in over 30 countries around the world. As a result of developing my speaking skills, I have been exposed to exotic cultures, languages, foods and people. I cherish these adventures which have led to some of the greatest experiences in my life. But…
Tags: Presenting, Presenting Greatness, Presenting Tools, Public Speaking Fear, Public Speaking Mistakes, public speaking secrets, Public Speaking Tips, The Worst Day Of My Presenting Career
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by Martin Rooney | Presenting
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I am often asked if I have always been the motivating and confident speaker I appear to be on stage today. I wish I could say the answer is, “Yes.” I would love to state I never had a fear of presenting and all my skills just came natural to me. Those statements, however, would not be true. Learning to present over the last 20 years has been both a painful process of trial and error and an accident! What I mean is that I never set out to be a speaker. The company I worked for needed someone to…
Tags: Embarrassing Presentation Mistakes, Present for Fortune 500 Companies, Presenting, Presenting Greatness, Public Speaking Fear, Public Speaking Mistakes, public speaking secrets, Public Speaking Tips
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by Martin Rooney | Public Speaking
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You have surely heard that public speaking is one of the biggest fears of most people. Maybe you have even experienced this fear first hand as a result of having to give a talk or speech to a group. Whether it was at work or a community function, you might agree that this fear of speaking is real and justified. Although this is easy to believe the old Jerry Seinfeld joke about how most people would rather be in the casket than having to deliver a eulogy for a crowd, the real reason for this fear is harder to understand…
Tags: Making Mistakes on Stage, Powerful Public Presenting., Presenting, Public Speaking Fear, Public Speaking Mistakes, Speaking Mistakes, speaking skills, speaking too fast, speaking too slow